How can soil become contaminated


Soil is clearly one of the most vital commodities that we have on planet earth. Without good quality nutrient-rich we are unable to grow any of the arable plants and maize that are required for the basic building blocks in life. If soil is not nutritious then we would be unable to grow wheat for bread, grazing ground for cattle  and also for trees to flourish to provide oxygen and the reduction of carbon dioxide.  However, in some areas with industrialisation, soil has become too contaminated to be used. It’s where a Soil Remediation Company like come in.  How can soil become contaminated?

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  1. Mining and the extraction of petrochemicals is one of the most environmentally damaging effects that human beings can place on the Earth. Chemicals from explosives and general usage of materials can easily destroy soil quality.
  1. Industrial farming processes where fertilisers and herbicides are added to soil can also lead to a degradation of the agricultural land. This then means that the land can only be used for the same purpose going forwards.

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  1. Rubbish disposal. The pressure on the disposal of waste has resulted in higher levels of landfill. However there is no effective barrier for the unpleasant chemicals that make up certain plastics and fibres from household items resulting in chemicals leaking into the soil.
  1. Gritters and other chemicals applied to roads can also result in contamination. The salt and grit is able to exit the road surface and is washed onto the accompanying fields surrounding the road.


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