Preventing a House Fire at Christmas


Christmas is the time of year that we look forward to, however, there are some dangers in the home associated with it, and fire is a bigger risk at this time of the year for many reasons. Here are some of the things to watch out for to reduce the risk of a house fire at Christmas…

Candles – Candles create that cosy, homely Christmas atmosphere, however they are also the cause of many house fires. Never leave candles burning unattended and make sure that you light them away from anything that is likely to catch on fire such as curtains and furniture.

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Dodgy Electrics – Faulty electrics are the cause of many house fires, and this risk increases at Christmas. From electrical decorations and lights that are damaged, to knock off electrical goods bought as gifts, you need to be careful when it comes to electricity.

If you are in any doubt, it is best to get a professional like this electrician Gloucester based company to come and check your electrics for you.

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Heating – In December we need to use heating to keep warm, however this of course can increase the risk of fires in the home. Some of the biggest fire risks associated with keeping warm over the festive season include open fires that have got out of control, including fires in the chimney, as well as electric blankets and electric heaters catching fire.

Whatever you are using to keep warm in the winter, make sure that you are doing it safely.


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