The truth behind some common heating myths


With consumers across the country looking to save money on their ever-increasing energy bills, it is important that they do not fall foul of the many myths that are circulating.

The price of gas is around 60% higher than it was 2 years previously, so there has never been a more appropriate time to get savvy about what can and cannot save you money.

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Heating Myth-Busting

It is not cheaper to leave your hot water on constantly. For system boilers, ensure that your tank is well insulated, meaning that the water stored remains hotter for longer.

Turning your thermostat up higher will not heat your home up more quickly. A thermostat has no bearing on how quickly a home is heated as it simply matches the final set temperature. Cranking it up higher will cost more.

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You will not save money by only calling an engineer out when there is a problem with your boiler. Regular servicing completed by a Gas Safe registered engineer can be preventative and help to identify potential issues before they become complicated and costly.

New Boilers

Older boilers may not be as efficient as newer models. They may be noisy, fail to heat up water adequately or be less eco-friendly. Any of these factors could see you paying more in energy costs when keeping your home warm.

Therefore, investing in a newer model that gives you better control over your heating may save you money in the long term. For new boilers Cheltenham or details on how to arrange a service for your current boiler, visit a specialist such as

Making these suggested changes could see a significant reduction in energy bills and repair costs, ensuring that your home is always warm and comfortable during the colder months.


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