What do Most People Look For When Buying  a House?


When you are buying a house, there are lots of different things that you will want from it and this varies from person to person. It depends on your life stage, your priorities and your personal taste. However, there are some things that more people tend to look for when they are deciding on a property to buy.

Whether you are thinking of selling your home or buying a new one, here are some of the things that people look for when they are deciding on a property…

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Location – This is said to be the most important factor when you are buying a property and location is really important. As much as you can change a house, you can’t change the location, so buyers will often pay more for a property that is in a more suitable location for them.

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Age of Fixtures and Fittings – From old carpets that go back to a bygone era, to kitchens that are in serious need of a kitchen refurb, houses that are not up to date with modern fixtures and fittings can be off putting to most buyers. Old and outdated interiors can lead to a potential buyer wondering what else needs updating, whether there are more serious issues with the property that have been overlooked, and how much everything is going to cost to modernise.

Storage – We all need storage space – from garden sheds to attics to garages, as well as cupboards and wardrobes. A house with more storage space is likely to be more attractive to buyers.


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