Why team leaders need leadership training


Team leaders are often given the responsibility of ensuring that the members of the team are all working towards the same goals and working well with one another. You certainly don’t want to have staff members feeling they are being bullied by members of their team and filing a Constructive Dismissal Claim through companies like Employment Law Friend, especially if, as a team leader, you have done nothing to support them with the issue. This is one of the many reasons that team leaders need to be given leadership training.

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As well as being able to understand how best to support all the members of the team and to deal with low-level HR issues before they become massive conflicts, is one of the key areas that team leaders should be trained in. Being the individual that the team is working with on a regular basis means they are the best placed to provide this kind of support.

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It also puts the team leader in the best position to be able to comment on how staff are performing, and this is particularly important if you have performance-related pay increases or bonuses based on achievements.

Another key piece of training that your team leaders might need is that of project management. If part of their role is going to be ensuring that the team stays on track with their project targets, it can be helpful to have some knowledge of how best to manage this.


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