What Makes a Good Landing Page?


Attracting visitors is one thing, but the next challenge is to get them to stick around long enough to know what your site is all about and take up any promotions you’re making available. Maybe you want to showcase your products, your business blog or a particular download offer, and you need a hook that’ll keep visitors engaged. Here’s how you can make your landing page effective and conversion-boosting at the same time.

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Quick Loading

We’ve all come to expect speed with modern technology, and having a webpage that’s slow to load is sure to turn a few people away because of impatience. The bounce rate of customers turning away will increase as the loading speed gets lengthier, so you want to ensure your desktop and mobile versions load as snappily as possible. Having a fast web hosting provider is also important here, but you can further help the loading speed and user navigation by avoiding clutter and keeping the landing page streamlined.

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Strong Headlines

Headlines and subheadings are typically what readers will see shortly after arriving on your site. These should be easy to understand and attention-grabbing and give the user a sense of what you’re all about, such as your web hosting plans or products for sale. If you can entice them from the off with your headline, you’re more likely to have engaged customers that stay longer to browse.

Appalling Aesthetics

Visuals help draw attention and break up text to make a site more user-friendly. Moreover, images or GIFs can also be emotive, which leave a longer-lasting impression on users. While stock images are handy, it’s better if you have personalised images that you own to uniquely show what your company is about, from flower deliveries to web hosting. Strong visuals should correlate with the content on your landing page and should give the reader an idea as to what products you sell, what the business is passionate about or what the user can expect to gain from brand and website.

Conversion Direction

If you have somewhere in particular you want to funnel your readers’ attention, then you need to highlight this and direct them to it. Maybe it’s a clickable link to open the product catalogue or an email sign-up for a free download: they all need to have a call to action that narrows down the area the user needs to focus on.


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