Why Britain leads the way in land remediation


Britain is a world leader in the regeneration of former industrial land, offering a wide range of technologies, systems and ideas to clients both at home and abroad.

British expertise in soil remediation has been born out of necessity. As the first industrialized country in the world, the UK has more than 400,000 hectares of contaminated land, the legacy of the Industrial Revolution.

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Stimulated by economic drivers and a desire to grow the physical business environment, the UK has made it a top priority clean-up this brownfield land.

The UK has gained valuable experience and expertise along the way – that it now exports all over the world. British companies have more than five decades of experience in remediation of soil, making them a good position to help others around the world. For more details on Land Remediation Services, visit a site like https://soilfix.co.uk/services/groundwater-soil-remediation-services

UK companies have a leading role in the development of innovative solutions for the cleaning and regeneration of contaminated soil. The combination of diverse contamination problems and a lack of available land for development has given rise to the growth of a wide range of specialist niches in this area.

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This includes multidisciplinary specialist consultants, providers of technology solutions, suppliers of specialist equipment and laboratories. In turn, these organisations can call on a wide range of highly skilled professionals to work effectively in solving the problems of the industry.

They are equipped with legal experts, finance and insurance companies, and a high-quality network of industry and academia organisations who provide research and professional development classes.


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