How to Ensure an Employee is Fit for Work


Every year we hear of some new study or research into how to ensure an employee is fit for work. Most of this is based around ergonomics or even things like the amount of desk space someone has available and how comfortable they are working in that space. But while technology and industry studies will try to highlight the importance of these things, it is often the cases where things like real life experience can actually be more important. How to ensure an employee is fit for work is often about observing the employees in the workplace and how they react to certain tasks.

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So, how do you ensure that an employee is fit for work? The first thing to think about is the physical environment. There is no way that you can make someone work harder if they are not able to see what is going on around them. For this reason you need to ensure that the desks are clear of anything that may distract them and lighting is adequate. Things like piles of paperwork or piles of clutter should not be left lying around. For advice from Occupational Health Wales, visit Insight Workplace Health

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To ensure that an employee is fit for work, you also need to consider their personal life. Many people tend to overwork themselves, and this can often lead to health problems. If you are able to make your staff have some down time on the days that they are working they will be much happier and more willing to do their work well. It is well documented in studies that a ten minute break can drastically improve the productivity of a team.


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