Reasons Why You Need A Business Website


We often do things blindly without questioning their purpose. You know that you will need a website to launch your business. But do you question why? Is it possible to do business without a website these days? What are the reasons you need a site?

Online brochure

With a website you can avoid spending a lot of money on glossy brochures or postage. By networking and making contacts, you can advertise everything about your business online. Your website address is available to anyone who has it.

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More customers

Did you know that nearly 2,5 billion people use the internet each day? 90% of these people have purchased items or contacted businesses online. You could be missing out on a large number of sales and customers if you don’t own a website. For Web Design Exeter, contact Nettl, a leading Web Design Exeter firm.


This gives you access to many people. You could use your site to educate and influence customers, giving you more influence in your area of expertise.

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Business goals

You may have to revisit aspects of your company that you’ve not thought about in a long time when you are looking for content for your website. This could help you identify new goals and directions for the business.


A website allows your business to be available 24/7. It doesn’t require staff to run it or supervise it 24/7. You can still be available for your clients.


A website that is well-designed and has clear, concise and useful content can help you convince customers that your business is reliable, trustworthy and credible. A great website demonstrates that you’re the real thing.


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