How to Find your Dream Job


A job is a big part of your life, so doing a job that you don’t enjoy can have a detrimental effect on you over time. Many people are unsure what the right job is for them, and even when you do know, life can get in the way of pursuing your dream job at times.

Finding a job that you enjoy doing can bring happiness to your life however, so if you have decided that now is the time to follow your dreams, first you might need to work out what those even are!

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If you know that you want a change of career, but you are not sure what career you want, the first thing to do is to think about your skills and qualities. There are many different types of jobs, and some personalities suit some more than others. The life skills that you have can also be applied to jobs too. There are some quizzes online that can help to point you in the right direction, but you can also get an idea of the sort of things that you like about yourself.

For example, if you have hobbies and things that you are very passionate about, this is a good place to start, as your enthusiasm for the job will naturally shine through. It might be that you need to work your way up, but this is a learning experience, and you can enjoy doing it. Whether it is horses or computers that you enjoy spending time with, use this as part of the decision making process.

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Your personality also comes into it here too – if you are a very sociable person, you might prefer a job where you have lots of interaction with other people so that you don’t feel lonely for example.

Be creative with how you go about getting a job too – for example, look at recruitment agencies like this procurement recruitment agency Talent Drive who specialise in certain job roles.  You could also speak to people who do that job already and ask them how they got into it themselves and what advice they could give to you. You may even be able to do work experience and see if you enjoy doing the job before you commit.


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