Static or Dynamic Website Design Strategies?


One time all websites were simply static web pages; today there are far more sophisticated options for designing functional sites. One important decision when building a new site is whether to choose between static or dynamic hosting; each option comes with advantages and disadvantages.

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Static websites consist of HTML files that do not change when visitors access them. When clicking a link to the homepage, your browser requests from the server an HTML file representing that page which then gets shipped back out from server and displayed by browser on-screen. Benefits to using static sites include reduced coding efforts and speedier creation times compared with dynamic ones; plus they don’t need updating as often since users won’t see different things each time they access. For advice on Website Design Surrey, contact a site like

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Dynamic websites use databases as their foundation, with your browser requesting an HTML file tailored specifically to you from the server upon visiting them. The database pulls information from various databases before sending this custom-crafted HTML file back out as part of its response to you and being displayed as your requested page on-screen. Such websites can often be more interactive and engaging; with forms for creating accounts or comments as well as animations and JavaScript (client side languages that run inside browsers).

Dynamic websites tend to be more difficult and costly to build than their static counterparts, as they require regular updates for each visitor requiring personalised content.


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