What are the Features of an American Fridge Freezer?


Show-stopping American fridge freezers look great, promise an end to overflowing fridges and crammed freezers thanks to cavernous capacities and have a host of useful features. But they do take up more space and can be pricey to run so you need to choose wisely.

Choosing the right American-style fridge freezer will give your kitchen a sleek and modern finish. You’ll find models with flat doors and recessed handles that fit seamlessly into the cabinetry for a seamless look, and they come in a wide range of contemporary colours – from sleek stainless steel to graphite, black and multi-coloured. To see Integrated American Fridge Freezer appliances, visit https://www.wellingtonshomeelectrical.co.uk/refrigeration/american-fridge-freezers/integrated-built-in.html

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In addition to their large storage capacities, many American fridge freezers have handy features like a no-frost or frost-free freezer – which means you won’t need to manually defrost the appliance as often. This saves you time and effort and can help to maintain your refrigerator’s performance.

You can also expect to find a range of different drawers and compartments designed to preserve food at just the right temperature. These might include a meat storage drawer, humidity-controlled drawers for fresh foods or a vegetable crisper. These all help to keep your food fresher for longer, so you’ll enjoy it for longer.

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Another handy feature to consider is a water or ice dispenser. You can dispense chilled water straight from the appliance, which avoids having to fill up and refill jugs or buy ready-made bottles of it at the supermarket. Some models will even allow you to add a SodaStream, which gives you carbonated water on tap too – so you can choose from a light fizz to a sizzling sparkle.


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